Saturday, 4 July 2009

One year on and going strong!

Hi Guys,

July is the one year anniversary of the Stockton to Darlington Ukulele Express.

our next meet is scheduled for Thursday 30th July. i hope everyone can make it, and make our anniversary meet a meet to remember!

There will be a few nibbles and maybe even some cake! and i hope to see our members who are yet to make it to the club

Since our first meet our numbers have increased and we now have 20 members

We have our own forum and all our songs are available to download from the website

The club is easily located, upstairs in the Darlington railway institute, parking is readily available and free too

i hope to see you all there

i would also like to take this opportunity to thank Keith for all his hard work in setting up this website, and re-arranging all the songs and putting them on the site

and thanks to, to Ken, without his help and encouragment this club would not of got off the ground.


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